Previous releases and updates:
- 2020-06-05: Release of new FAFB-FFN1-20200412 segmentation.
- This release adds FFN segmentation at the full native resolution of 4x4x40 nm, as well as additional supervoxel agglomeration runs. The segment IDs match the 20190805 release for existing segments, with new segments added in a higher ID space.
- Migrated to jekyll for the website design. For the previous site with the FAFB-FFN1-20190805 release plus updates, see 2020-01-21 site version here.
- Added a gallery page for interesting reconstructed neurons with Neuroglancer links.
- Correction to the z-offset in the Neuroglancer views of the Heinrich cleft data.
- Added labels to the public skeletons and neuropil regions.
- 2020-01-21: Buhmann et al. synapse predictions added.
- 2019-11-06: Section-to-section cross-correlation volume released.
- 2019-11-01: Tissue mask volume released.
- 2019-09-30: Notebook demonstrating CloudVolume access released, public skeletons added to Neuroglancer instance.
- 2019-08-20: Automated skeletonization added to Neuroglancer instance, TIFF images of segmentation available for download.
- 2019-08-05: Updated segmentation and manuscript release.
- 2019-06-19: Initial posting.